COVID-19 renter survey - invitation to participate
Chris Martin

Renting in Australia during the COVID-19 emergency? You're invited to participate in a survey about COVID-19 rental negotiations, conducted by the City Futures Research Centre at UNSW Sydney.

The survey is open to persons who

  • Were living in a rented dwelling in Australia on 29 March 2020 (when the eviction moratorium was announced)
  • Are aged 18 or older.

Participants who complete the survey can enter the draw for a $500 voucher.

You can find the survey at

Participation is voluntary. The survey takes 5-10 minutes to complete, and asks about your rent, income and household, whether you negotiated a change to your rent and whether you moved. The information you give will be used only for the purposes of the research and no identifying information will ever be disclosed. The full Participant Information Statement is here, and linked at the start of the survey.

The survey is part of City Futures' new research project, Housing and homelessness policy in the COVID-19 pandemic and recession.

Please consider participating, and inviting others to participate too!